Sunday, February 5, 2023

The BfArM database of essential drugs in short supply is lacking an API. So I built one.

The BfArM database of essential drugs in short supply is lacking an API. So I implemented one in about 12 hours. The source code can be found on GitHub.


The state of digitalization in Germany is in dire straits, especially so when looking at the healtcare system and govenment/administration. If APIs exist, they are often difficult to discover and/or undocumented (The private project tries to collect and document them in a central repository).

Yet I was surprised when I, inspired by an an article about the shortage of essential drugs in Germany, took a closer look at the official governmental database on this matter.

This database is hosted by the "Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM)", and can be found here.

It can be accessed in two ways:

  1. As filterable dynamic HTML/JavaScript table rendered using JSF.
  2. As CSV download.

No API for M2M communication or the like. At least I could not find one. There is also no documentation about the data itself. 

Regarding data quality, I noticed the following issues:

  1. The CSV file is encoded in ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) and not UTF-8. While this is not uncommon it is a bit unexpected, since ISO-8859-1 only covers the first 256 Unicode characters. The file encoding is not documented.
  2. The CSV is actually not comma, but semicolon separated.
  3. Data not available is not only NULL, it is also encoded as "N/A", "n.a.", "-", and "'-", respectively. There might me more undocumented encodings.
  4. "*" encodes "Altdatenübernahme war nicht möglich", meaning that older data could not be transferred. This is documented in the legend of the table, but not what it actually means.
  5. The update frequency of the data on display is not documented.

Having worked with databases for about 30 years now, this looks like this data comes directly from some kind of manually curated data set to me. There is obviously no decent data standardization process in place.

But whining alone doesn't help, so I decided to implement the missing API on a tiny server hosted in Germany. It took me about 12 hours of my private time, including implementing basic data sanitization.

The most difficult part was to automate the CSV download, since the submit button calls some JavaScript function, and thus can't be called using a HTTP request or a scraping library like beautifulsoup. I'm now using a remote controlled headless Browser via selenium. That the HTML name attribute frequently changes does not especially help, either. This has been solved with an XPATH expression on the value.

The demo API is available under You will be warned because of the self-signed SSL certificate. This is ok, AWS did not want to register a domain, so no Let's Encrypt. But this just swaps SSL with SSH semantics anyway. Since it is for demonstration purposes only, and runs on a small server, there is a rate limiter in place. Resource names and data are in German, like in the source system.

The source code can be found on GitHub. Maybe somebody at BfArM realizes that it does not cost a fortune to implement an API on top of what they already have, and finds my example useful to build on.

Public data (I assume it is public, there is no need to register) is updated daily at 11:00 UTC. In complicance with Article 4 of the GDPR, personal information (Client IP address, Telephone number and E-Mail address) is not stored or displayed. As mentioned before, the API is hosted in Germany.

I'm not intending to run this forever, and outages are possible at any time. I have shut down the service by now.